Freelance Rates Survey, 2012
Well it’s been a long time coming but I finally managed to carve out some time to go through the responses to my survey on Freelance rates earlier in the year, following a similar survey carried out last year
There were 442 responses in total, up on responses from last year although 6 responses were rejected as it either was not possible to differentiate between hourly or day rate, or the rate was left blank.
After last year’s survey I added some new questions to help discover more information on how freelance web folk work, as well as gender to see if there were any biases present. I also tried to tighten the responses as much as possible to use drop-down options rather than free text which would help with comparisons between different groups of data.
Despite asking for folk to submit their day-rate there were lots of folk who added their hourly rate so as a rule I multiplied anything that was explicitly hour-rate by 7.5. Where a range was specified the average was used (eg a rate of £200-400 was treated as £300).
As previously, I used Median to calculate averages as this would limit the impact of extreme outliers (looking at you Andy Clarke!).
I have summarised below the results for day-rates broken down by Age, Skill-set, Years Experience, Location and Gender – outlining total number of responses, minimum, maximum and average (median) as well as showing comparison (where available) with last years response.
Day-rate by Age
Group | Count | Min (£) | Max (£) | Average (£) | 2011 (£) | +/- (£) |
15-19 | 6 | 130 | 300 | 280 | 140 | +140 |
20-24 | 51 | 100 | 700 | 225 | 250 | -25 |
25-29 | 137 | 100 | 665 | 250 | 280 | -30 |
30-34 | 117 | 100 | 750 | 300 | 290 | +10 |
35-39 | 63 | 120 | 800 | 300 | 317.50 | -17.50 |
40-44 | 39 | 160 | 700 | 325 | 320 | +5 |
45+ | 18 | 208 | 1200 | 355 | 425 | -70 |
Day-rate by Skillset
Group | Count | Min (£) | Max (£) | Average (£) | 2011 (£) | +/- (£) |
Back-end development | 99 | 100 | 700 | 300 | 280 | +20 |
Mixture of all three | 127 | 100 | 700 | 280 | 300 | -20 |
Front-end development | 119 | 100 | 750 | 275 | 280 | -5 |
Design | 87 | 120 | 1200 | 262.50 | 300 | -37.50 |
Day-rate by Years Experience
Group | Count | Min (£) | Max (£) | Average (£) | 2011 (£) | +/- (£) |
0-1 | 9 | 100 | 500 | 160 | 200 | -40 |
2-3 | 46 | 100 | 450 | 245 | 200 | +45 |
4-5 | 95 | 100 | 665 | 262.50 | 250 | +12.50 |
6-7 | 66 | 100 | 700 | 255 | 300 | -45 |
8-9 | 43 | 150 | 600 | 280 | 275 | +5 |
10-11 | 62 | 150 | 560 | 300 | 300 | 0 |
12-13 | 60 | 120 | 750 | 300 | 320 | -20 |
14-15 | 25 | 150 | 1200 | 350 | 350 | 0 |
16-17 | 17 | 220 | 800 | 340 | 372.50 | -32.50 |
18+ | 8 | 300 | 700 | 387.50 | 475 | -87.50 |
Day-rate by Location
Group | Count | Min (£) | Max (£) | Average (£) | 2011 (£) | +/- (£) |
East Midlands | 22 | 100 | 700 | 275 | 300 | -25 |
East of England | 11 | 200 | 487.50 | 300 | 250 | +50 |
London | 73 | 100 | 700 | 337.50 | 350 | -12.50 |
North East | 14 | 120 | 600 | 245 | 275 | -30 |
North West | 44 | 100 | 500 | 261.25 | 250 | +11.25 |
Northern Ireland | 8 | 150 | 360 | 262.50 | 270 | -7.50 |
Scotland | 52 | 100 | 700 | 290 | 280 | +10 |
South East | 73 | 110 | 750 | 280 | 300 | -20 |
South West | 61 | 120 | 665 | 250 | 258 | -8 |
Wales | 30 | 120 | 1200 | 250 | 275 | -25 |
West Midlands | 20 | 120 | 475 | 290 | 337.50 | -47.50 |
Yorkshire & The Humber | 26 | 100 | 425 | 287.50 | 250 | +37.50 |
Day-rate by Gender
Group | Count | Min (£) | Max (£) | Average (£) |
Male | 399 | 100 | 1200 | 280 |
Female | 30 | 120 | 500 | 250 |
Demographics and Work practices
How old are you?
15-19 | 2% |
20-24 | 12% |
25-29 | 32% |
30-34 | 27% |
35-39 | 15% |
40-44 | 9% |
45+ | 4% |
What is your gender?
Male | 93% |
Female | 7% |
Do you normally require a deposit before starting work on a project?
No deposit | 47% |
Fixed fee | 2% |
0-10% of project value | 3% |
10-25% of project value | 16% |
25-50% of project value | 26% |
50% of project value | 6% |
Do you normally use a contract?
Yes | 56% |
No | 44% |
What is the average value of projects you work on?
£0-1000 | 23% |
£1001-2000 | 25% |
£2001-3000 | 19% |
£3001-4000 | 7% |
£4001-5000 | 4% |
£5000+ | 23% |
Do you primarily work …
Directly with clients | 83% |
Subcontracting for agencies | 50% |
In partnership with other freelancers | 34% |
Perhaps unsurprisingly given the economic downturn is that generally day rates have fallen since last year’s survey, with some areas experiencing a rise (for example, the North West, Yorkshire, East of England and Scotland). As you would expect London commands the highest rates, whilst the North East, South West and Wales command the lowers rates.
There isn’t a significant difference between skill-set although back-end development tends to command the highest rates, and as one might expect rates generally increase with both age and years of experience. For gender, males tend to command a higher salary than women.
In terms of demographics there was a significant bias towards men (93% of respondents) but a pretty even spread across ages, the majority falling between 25-34.
For work practices it was quite surprising how few participants work without a deposit and without a contract for work. Also the majority of respondents worked on projects less than £3000, with 48% on projects less than £2000.
Using the data I have rebuilt the FRAQ tool I cobbled together last year to reflect these updated rates and criteria. This can be seen at The source data for the survey has been posted up on Github at under a Creative Commons Attribution license. You are free to use this data for whatever purposes you see fit as long as you provide attribution to this article.
Thanks for this; been really educational.
Just wanted to point out that some of the +/- values need to be inverted – e.g.
“0-1 9 100 500 160 200 +40” (should be -40).Thanks for sharing the data :)
Thanks for this Cole.
It would be great to see a bell curve or similar to see the distribution of day rates, and thus to get a feel for how extreme those outliers are.
Thank you very much Cole,
As someone who is at the very upper limit of your age range, I am delighted to find such a good day rate for a jack-of-all-trades like myself.
My rates are going up. Splendid!
Thanks for taking the time to pull this together Cole, it’s really interesting and useful data – I’ve already referred a number of people to the results from last year when the topic of rates has come up, so it’s great to see the figures updated, and more responses too.
Thanks again :)
If anyone wants to do some fun things with the data, I took a moment to convert the CSV into JSON, which you can get via:
Absolutely fantastic, Cole – thank you for providing such a useful insight.
You say you calculated the median value, but in the results you title it as “average”. Why? The median and average values are different things.
Sorry Zirak – by median I mean middle value in a range. Maths is clearly not my forté!
Thanks for this Cole, it has really helped me prove a point to some people and the prices they charge. Particularly interesting is the location variations in prices.
Very insightful! I’ve been wondering what it’s like to contract in Euro.
I often work without a deposit and contract. I live in switzerland and most of my clients are abroad. Enforcing a contract across country borders is incredibly difficult. In theory in some juristictions you can take clients to small claims, but the lawyer fees will eat most of what you could possibly gain.
Interesting and useful.
+1 to suggestions to have median values (or similar).
In my country, average day rate for front-end developer with 5 year experience is £30
Welcome to cooperate :)