A Geniune Felix Lighter

In the wee hours of this morning on Monday the 23rd of February 2008 – after 8 hours of labour, a healthy natural water birth and some outstanding hard work from Peta – our wee son Felix Edward Donald Henley was born.

It was especially sporting of someone who’s namesake is a regular feature of Bond films to have decided to make an appearance at 0.07 hours.

Young Felix is in fine company, sharing a birthday with Samuel Pepys, Handel, Peter Fonda, plutonium, ISO and the Gutenburg bible, the first Western book printed from movable type.

True to form, it is nice to see that Felix’s Gramps has already adopted the pseudonym Teddy for him. 10 hours old and already has an alias.

Images and more to follow on the soon to be resurrected bairn blog shortly

PS bonus points if you can name the film quoted in this blog title ;)


Well done Peta! So glad to hear everything went well, congratulations too Cole and Gethin, but we know who did the real work!
First sons are very precious, and have a special place, and if your second son gives you a fraction of the joy you know who has given, and continues to give me, you will be lucky indeed.
“Teddy?”, you do realise you have a F.E.D. on your hands?!
Love to you all,
Pat xxxx