Setting up a mobile testing suite

Responsive, responsive, responsive.
It’s all well rapidly designing a website to a set of predefined breakpoints

However ideally we should be testing on a range of devices and it is great to see that clearleft now have a test lab which they are letting other developers access.

With this in mind, based in the Old Church School co-working space in Frome and working alongside other web designers on a daily basis I thought it would be a good idea to set up a mobile testing suite that other designers and developers can use to test their website designs on.

So, if you are based in/around Frome and have any old mobile phones that you no longer use then drop me an email or send me a reply on twitter

Specifically looking for smart phones (Android, older iPhone models or Blackberry) that are wifi-enabled and still have their charger.
You can get an idea of the range of phones that would be useful posted up on the Clearleft test lab